
A New Year

Monday, January 11, 2016

A new year and a fresh start. I want to try new things this year, shoot with purpose and heart.  I want to not only focus on our lives but the environment around us. It should be a creatively exciting journey. I am still going to try to get an image everyday but with more diversity and {most days} intention.  Happy New Year Friends!


  1. These are so stunning Melisa!! I love the depth and color especially in your low light images. ❤️❤️❤️ but they are all fantastic!

    1. Thank you so much Melissa!!! Your comments are VERY appreciated on my site! I have having fun with low light lately but trying not to stray to far from images I love!

  2. Melissa, thank you so much for leaving such a kind comment!! It means so much to me!!!


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Telling a story one image at a time

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