
What Summer Is About

Friday, July 29, 2016

Summer....I have always had in my head what summer should be for my littles. Being outside all day, playing in lakes, streams, rivers or pools.  Heading to the beach on any given day just to smell the scent of the ocean and build sand castles. Walking around cities going in and out of shops, going to baseball games, playing at the park for hours and listening for the music of an ice cream truck rolling by. So far this summer is how I have always imagined a summer with my kids should be.  There is no rush to get out of the house to early to beat the heat and no hurry to get home because it is so hot!  We are truly enjoying our summer...being together, and that is what it is all about!

Giants Fans in the Bronx!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

"When the Giants come to town..."

We are THERE! Our favorite team was playing the Yankees so of course we made our way to the Bronx to watch them play! Three of us sported our best Giants attire to support our team...what about the fourth you ask? Well you can see for yourself how quickly he "changes teams".  It was a warm day but it was so cool walking around a stadium for a team that so many legendary players have played for. We visited Monument Park and the Yankee Museum, both worth seeing if you ever decide to go to a game there! There were plenty of Giants fans there and though the wait was long for a beer and pretzel....not because of crowds but the beer wasn't pouring and the pretzels weren't heated correctly....we had a blast!! HUMMMMM BABY! 

Look how long it took him to change teams....he couldn't even sport a SF shirt! 

My camera was taken over by an unforeseen Yankee fan

Got my camera back....

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